Osmosis Repairs and Treatments
Since the introduction of GRP vessels into the marketplace as long ago as the mid 1960’s it has been clearly demonstrated that fibreglass boats are not the maintenance free vessels they were once claimed to be.
A detailed explanation of how osmosis in boats occurs is available here.
At Hayling Yacht we provide a professional Osmosis repair service aimed at quickly establishing the exact nature of the problems your boat is experiencing and designing a solution that will fully repair your boat within agreed time sclaes.
Our team of craftsmen are highly experienced in Osmosis repair and we provide a complete water to water service utilising the latest technologies and systems to ensure the best possible result and that your boat is out of the water for the shortest possible time.
We have four Hot Vac machines that enable us to offer a fast drying programme.
All works are carried out in accordance with the BMF. (British Marine Federation) terms and conditions.
Tel: 023 9246 3592

Osmosis Treatments
From Water to Water With Guaranteed Timescales.
We provide a complete service that ensures eradication of the problems caused by Osmosis and a finished product that is guaranteed for 5 years. We utilise the latest proven techniques, equipment and materials to ensure that we deliver both on timescale and a quality long lasting finish.
We offer two different Osmosis Treatments , with or without sheathing. Sheathing involves the application of an extra layer of biaxial 400gm cloth laminated with epoxy resin to the hull providing extra protection and strength and reduces future occurrences of osmosis.
We are happy to discuss with you, which treatment is most appropriate for your vessel.
Here is the breakdown of the two treatments.
Standard Osmosis Treatment
- Delivery of craft to yard by owner
- Unstep mast(s) if necessary
- Slip
- Peeling of Gel Coat
- Grit blasting to abraid surface prior to treatment
- Move to workshop
- Drying of laminate to acceptable level with Hotvac Hull Cure Systems This ensures all the acids, Glycol’s and organic compounds are drawn to the surface and enables us to provide guaranteed timescales.
- Steam cleaning of laminate as necessary to ensure removal of any unwanted dirt or materials.
- One coat solvent free Gelshield Plus.
- Epoxy fillers to rebuild surface.
- Sanding
- Three coats solvent free epoxy.
- One coat epoxy tie coat.
- Two coats Copolymer Cruiser antifouling.
- Minimum further one week ashore.
- Move and block off.
- Re- launch when required.
- Restep mast(s) if necessary.
- Delivery of craft to customer at Hayling Yacht Co. Ltd.
- Issue of 5 Year Guarantee.
Osmosis Treatment with Sheathing
- Delivery of craft to yard by owner
- Unstep mast(s) if necessary
- Slip
- Peeling of Gel Coat
- Grit blasting to abraid surface prior to treatment
- Move to workshop
- Drying of laminate to acceptable level with Hotvac Hull Cure Systems This ensures all the acids, Glycol’s and organic compounds are drawn to the surface and enables us to provide guaranteed timescales.
- Steam cleaning of laminate as necessary to ensure removal of any unwanted dirt or materials.
- One coat epoxy resin and glue powder.
- 1 layer biaxial 400gm cloth laminated with epoxy resin.
- Epoxy fillers applied then sanded.
- Apply three coats of epoxy resin.
- One coat of epoxy tie coat.
- Two coats Copolymer Cruiser antifouling.
- Minimum further one week ashore.
- Move and block off.
- Re- launch when required.
- Restep mast(s) if necessary.
- Delivery of craft to customer at Hayling Yacht Co. Ltd.
- Issue of 5 Year Guarantee.
Hot Vac Hull Cure
As one of the largest osmosis centres in the UK our years of experience have helped us to maintain the cutting edge of osmosis repair and technology.
In order to maintain that leading edge we have invested in four HOTVAC HULL CURE treatment systems, which has been featured in Practical Boat Owner and enables us to dry boats in guaranteed time scales.
The new system no longer uses the traditional methods of drying (air drying, gas heaters, dehumidifiers and infra-red heaters) due to the fact that not all the acids, Glycol’s and organic compounds were drawn to the surface. By using Hot Vac this problem is overcome.
The HotVac process treats boats by the thorough removal of absorbed water from affected hulls.
It also facilitates the removal of acids, glycols and other organic compounds that cause corrosion, glass to resin bond weakening, delamination and blistering.
Controlled heat is applied under high vacuum conditions directly to the surface of the boat’s hull. This has the effect of significantly reducing the vaporisation temperatures of the moisture and other compounds that need to be removed from deep within the laminate of a GRP hull if a lasting cure is to be achieved.

Residues resulting from the breakdown of the polyester resin and PVA binders in the hull are bound to the composite by free glycols. Under HotVac conditions, they move to the surface by a process of activated diffusion prior to their subsequent vaporisation. HotVac heater pads are held in place against the boat’s hull and apply heat very uniformly to a tolerance of ±1°C.
The HotVac system consists of several large pads, which are placed onto the hull once the gel coat has been removed and a controlled heat under high vacuum is applied. The heat penetrates into the laminate, mobilizing the volatile chemicals, which vaporize at a low temperature due to the reduction in pressure. These are sucked away into pipes attached to the pads.
We can now offer the most superior osmosis treatment available on the market and complete the work faster than ever, with a 33ft boat now drying in 5 days.
All works are carried out in accordance with the BMF. (British Marine Federation) terms and conditions.

Hayling Yacht clearly understand Osmosis, they provided excellent advice during my purchase and guidance at every stage.
Who can I use for this.
My boat looks as good as new, superb job, thank you so much. Its given us peace of mind and great to have a 5 year guarantee
Who can I use for this.